Sites to get you cooking!

Here are some of my go-to websites for food inspiration, healthy eating and fantastic recipes! - I don't feel any guilt when I pin 500 things and don't actually do any of them.  They're all such great ideas, that just seeing them or reading about them is inspiring & food for my soul.  Does anyone really melt crayons artfully down a canvas... I'm not sure they do - but it is very pretty to look at :-). - This lady rocks the clean eating, switching from boxed to whole foods.  Main takeaway - her mason jar salad combinations rocked my world - Mango, avocado, black bean - Yes please!

Weelicious - Kid Friendly healthy food - She has great video tutorials as well.  This is where I found a way to still eat top ramen without the headache inducing, creepy seasoning packet that comes with it - Good stuff!

Food Revolution - I have most of Jamie Oliver's cookbooks, not to mention a recorded tv show from 1999 on VHS that my Uncle John sent to me, because he knew I loved him - even way back when.

The Naked Chef (I'm sure in my 20's the name may have grabbed my attention) started my love for simple, rustic food that just tastes good.  When you can name the ingredients on one hand, that's a win for me!  Favorite all-time Jamie Recipe is his hearty Fish Pie.  Cod or Halibut with a creamy dijon sauce, sauteed onions, hard-boiled eggs chopped, and then topped with mashed potatoes and baked - Ridiculous.

Lately I've been hitting up the Food Revolution site for healthy recipes - kid friendly too.  Favorites are: Salmon cakes, Caesar salad, & Minestrone. - Introduced by my homemaker neighbor extraoirdinaire - These ladies make delicious recipes that have never failed me.  Unfortunately with my non-dairy existence, I haven't trekked it over here in awhile - But... just to name a few of their amazing things - Cilantro pineapple rice, all of their taquito recipes, italian sausage & potato soup.  There really are too many to list.  They are a great 1st stop to really embrace using fresh foods, vs. boxing it up every night... Again using my theory of bringing in more fresh will just naturally boot out the junk in your menu - This is a good way to start, as they're more of a 'mostly-homemade' approach... and are not too overwhelming in the kitchen prep land.

Food - When in doubt of a Pinterest recipe, head over to Food Network, where professionals are usually whipping up something similar, have reviews and feedback as well.  This is a great safety net website for all those concoctions you've pinned, but aren't sure if they're legit.

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