Veggie Tricks

These are the current veggie tricks and strategies I employ to increase the amount of veggies my kids and we adults consume.  I'll add to this list as I find new winners ;)

  1. When your kids are starving right before dinner is ready (and they always are), put out a big container of veggies to snack on.  Hint*  Prep and chop these for the week, so they're at the ready every night!  If your kids are ranch fans, put a little out, but slowly reduce the amount every day, so that their tastebuds can start to enjoy the tastes of veggies without the dressing.  Yes, be prepared for mild whining.. and stick strong to the *This is what's available until dinner mantra
  2. Buy pre-chopped veggies to throw into everything!  My favorite is Trader Joe's chopped veggies, as they're super small, and can be added to anything without too much notice. I'm talking your side of rice, pasta, tuna salad, grilled cheese (add shredded carrots) etc... add in a little veggies... You can always saute them in olive oil beforehand to add a bit of flavor. 
  3. Shake up your veggie selections - I tend to fall into the carrots, broccoli rut... When I add in sweet peppers, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, sugar peas, snap peas, mushrooms... frozen peas (my kids love them frozen) or just otherwise make the veggie options different every week, while still including the staples - they will tend to branch out & find new favorites.
  4. Fancy it up - I'm a big believer in aesthetics / delivery / presentation.  I am a marketer after all.. but if you put your little tomatoes in the shape of a heart, or make a face/boat/animal/whatever out of these veggies - your kids are going to eat it.  Extra credit if you add a story, song, or some over the top enthusiasm for the fabulousness.  Sell your kids on them - yes you have to work for it people!As your kids get a bit older,  point out the body part that they are helping by eating that particular veggie.  This is easy - Google  "Health benefits of [insert veggie here]", and you will have 5 million results in .5 seconds - Use your smartphone addiction for good - double score!
  5. Serve veggies 1st at dinner - We have those salad plates for a reason.  Put out the salad 1st, then bring the rest of dinner out, after everyone has had a chance (while starving helps) to enjoy some leafy greens ;).
  6. Sneak it in... I am a fan of Jessica Seinfeld's theory of sneaking those veggies in.. why not?  My most common add-ins are shredded carrots - I add these to both grilled cheese, and tuna sandwich/melts

Article on Simple Ways to Eat Your Veggies

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